The UGC cell was constituted on 4 September 2019.It functions under the guidance of the Principal. The objective of UGC cell is effective implementation of policies and programmes for minority groups .The UGC Cell of our college is established to develop a quality system for improving the academic and administrative functioning of the college.It provides guidance,assistance and enhances the diversity within the campus. The cell promotes equity and equal opportunity to the community at large in the college and also enhances social welfare. The cell is also responsible for promoting measures for institutional functioning towards quality enhancement through internationalization of quality culture and institutionalization of best practices. We also concentrate on improving the quality of education and skill development.
- To communicate information and orders from UGC to concerned departments .
- To support students from disadvantaged groups by implementing effective
policies and programmes. - To conduct and participate in UGC sponsored webinars .
- To observe national and international days and conduct related activities insisted
by UGC - To monitor and regulate activities of the internal complaint committee of the

Mrs. Anna Joseph
Assistant Professor
Department Of Commerce

Mrs. Aparna R Nair
Assistant Professor
PG Dept.of Commerce

Mr. Arjun Anil
III Sem B.Com C.A