The Readers’ Forum of M.E.S College was established in the academic year 2021. Forum is a platform for the students to enrich their reading habits. Being debut, a faculty was appointed as the coordinator of the forum and gave an awareness regarding the relevance of reading habits in our day. It encourages students to read the texts, create opinions, and discuss the knowledge with each other. The world of literature enriches students with a great amount of knowledge and it stimulates their thinking capacity
- To help the students to encourage their reading habit and enrich their knowledge.
- To enrich the student’s vocabulary and to broaden their academic horizon.
- To nurture student’s passion towards literature and multidisciplinary texts.
- To enhance their thinking capacity and broaden their perspective towards the world.

Ms. Tintu Sebastian
Assistant Professor
Dept. of English
Ms. Bismaya Binu
II Sem M.A English
Ms. Sonu P.J
II Sem M.A English