“Knowledge is power”, knowledge contributes personal enrichment and a better understanding of the world as a whole. Quizzing is an intellectual art to develop knowledge and professional skills. The Quiz club of MES college Erumely functions from January 2020 onwards. Quiz club helps in identifying students with keen interest in quizzing and helping them to mould themselves to be a quizzer. The quiz club tries to develop a desire for knowledge and increase confidence among the students. It also promotes fostering students to participate in intercollegiate quiz competitions and other programmes. The quiz events also makes students aware about their social,economic, political, cultural, scientific and managerial world. The club strives to ensure the participation of maximum students, especially those who are in quest for knowledge.
- To popularize quizzing culture among the student community .
- To build general knowledge in students in different fields from various resources
- To encourage students to take part in various competitions organized by different
departments and colleges - To conduct periodic quiz competitions based on themes, days of importance and specific

Ms. Chinchumol chacko
Assistant Professor
Department of Social Work

Ms. Fathima Ahmed
II Sem M.A English