The OBC and OEC Cell of MES College was established on 6th August 2019.The cell functions with the objective of ensuring the proper implementation of reservation policies for OBC and OEC communities. The OBC and OEC Cell is chaired by the principal. The cell facilitates in helping students for availing scholarships from state and central governments. Welfare and empowerment of students belonging to OBC and OEC categories is the prime motive of the cell.
- To ensure the representation and reservation during the admission process.
- To provide remedial classes for OBC and OEC students if required.
- To ensure the welfare of OBC and OEC students
- To collect information regarding E-grant and ensure that it is distributed to deserving students.
- To set up a complaint box and suggest solutions in the redressal cell.
- To assist students in need of counseling.

Name: Mr. Sebastion P Xaviour
Assistant Professor
Dept. Of Malayalam

Ms. Chinju Vijayappan