Mr.Adv.Muhammed Najeeb Kallumkal
Secretary & Correspondent
Dear all,
Muslim Educational Society stands for bringing up the best models in educational field with an inclusive approach and it is consistently looking for the sustainable development. MES College Erumely is the first grade arts and science self financing college established under MES and its proud symbol to the cause of higher education. We are committed to offer the best possible opportunities in education to the under privileged and marginalized. A bouquet of world renowned and globally settled Scientists, larger number of Academicians, Technocrats, Politicians, Lawyers, Social workers, Entrepreneurs etc. forms a testimonial for the productive functioning of this great centre of learning since last twenty five years.
The College strives for bringing structural change with innovative approach to cater the needs of stakeholders and so as to bring up the New gen with enough potential to compete with the challenges in the digital world scenario; thus we believe in inherent change to untie the knot and to transform the stopping stones to stepping stones.We acknowledge the support of all stakeholders in developing the College as a leading institution under the Mahatma Gandhi University. Also the feedback from students, Parents and society forms valuable inputs in addressing the need of the time and the manifestation of the dream- to evolve the College in to a Center of Excellence.